Contracts for V2
Docs for the GMX V2 contracts.
Important Notes
Please see the Known Issues list for points that should be noted.
Additionally, these docs are meant just as an overview, please check the actual contract code for the exact implementation and for any possible edge cases if building an application, integration or similar using the contracts.
Code for contracts such as readers and events may not be audited, please check the scopes of the audits for more information, extra caution should be taken when using or depending on these contracts.
Please subscribe to the channels in the Updates page for important contract update notifications.
The contracts repo provides an overview of the contracts. Examples for interacting with the contracts can be found in the test folder.
Do note that the main
branch may not be the latest version of the contracts, it may be necessary to check the other branches for updates.
A list of known deployments can be found in the deployments folder.
Testnet contracts can be found in the deployments folder as well.
The Avalanche (Fuji) deployment should be the most up to date.
For an interface that connects to the testnet network, please refer to the Testnet Frontend section.
Reading Values
Values can be read using two contracts:
The reader contract provides convenience functions for retrieving information such as markets and positions lists.
Additional information can be retrieved using the Datastore and Keys contracts. Some examples of using the Datastore can be found in the test folder. There is also a keys file that provides examples of how keys can be constructed to read from the Datastore.
Multiple values can be retrieved in a single query using a Multicall contract.
For retrieving prices, please see the REST V2 docs.
The main functions should be accessible through the ExchangeRouter contract.
Creating an Order
To create a swap / increase position order, collateral needs to first be transferred to the OrderVault, ExchangeRouter.createOrder can then be called after. The transfer of tokens for collateral and the calling of ExchangeRouter.createOrder should be done in a single transaction, otherwise the tokens may be transferred out by other users. An example of how to do this can be found in the ExchangeRouter tests.
ExchangeRouter.createOrder(BaseOrderUtils.CreateOrderParams calldata params)
- CreateOrderParamsAddresses:
- receiver: The receiver of any output amounts
- cancellationReceiver: If the order is cancelled collateral sent for the order as well as gas for the network fee is sent to this address if it is not the zero address
- callbackContract: The contract to call on order execution / cancellation
- uiFeeReceiver: The receiver of the UI fee
- market: The market to trade in
- initialCollateralToken: The initial collateral token sent into the contract
- swapPath: An array of market addresses to swap the initialCollateralToken through for increase / swap orders, for decrease orders, the output amount will be swapped through these specified markets
- CreateOrderParamsNumbers:
- sizeDeltaUsd: The position size to increase / decrease
- initialCollateralDeltaAmount: The amount of tokens to withdraw for decrease orders
- triggerPrice: The trigger price for limit / stop-loss / take-profit orders, the order will be attempted to be executed if price reaches the trigger price
- acceptablePrice: The acceptable price at which the order can be executed. For market orders, the order will be cancelled if it cannot be executed at the acceptable price. For limit / stop-loss / take-profit orders, the order will not be executed if the trigger price is reached but the acceptable price cannot be fulfilled.
- executionFee: The amount of native token that is included for the execution fee, e.g. on Arbitrum this would be ETH, this is the maximum execution fee that keepers can use to execute the order. When the order is executed, any excess execution fee is sent back to the order's account. Please see the Execution Fee section for more details.
- callbackGasLimit: The gas limit to be passed to the callback contract on order execution / cancellation
- minOutputAmount: For swap orders this is the minimum token output amount. For increase orders this is the minimum token amount after the initialCollateralDeltaAmount is swapped through the swapPath. NOTE: For decrease orders this is the minimum USD value, USD is used in this case because it is possible for decrease orders to have two output tokens, one being the profit token and the other being the withdrawn collateral token
- orderType:
- MarketSwap: a market swap order
- LimitSwap: a limit swap order, this will be executed if the minOutputAmount can be fulfilled
- MarketIncrease: a market order to increase a long / short position
- LimitIncrease: a limit order to increase a long / short position
- MarketDecrease: a market order to decrease a long / short position
- LimitDecrease: a limit order to decrease a long / short position
- StopLossDecrease: a stop-loss order to decrease a long / short position
- decreasePositionSwapType
- NoSwap: no swap will be performed
- SwapPnlTokenToCollateralToken: the profit token will be attempted to be swapped to the collateral token
- SwapCollateralTokenToPnlToken: the withdrawn collateral will be attempted to be swapped to the profit token
- isLong: specifies if this order is for a long or short position
- shouldUnwrapNativeToken: specifies whether to unwrap the native token, e.g. if the output token is WETH, setting this to true would convert the WETH token to ETH
- autoCancel: for LimitDecrease and StopLossDecrease orders, if this is true then the order will be cancelled when the position is closed, this value is ignored for other order types
- referralCode: the referral code to use
- CreateOrderParamsAddresses:
Creating a Deposit
To create a deposit, tokens need to first be transferred to the DepositVault, ExchangeRouter.createDeposit can then be called after. The transfer of tokens and the calling of ExchangeRouter.createDeposit should be done in a single transaction, otherwise the tokens may be transferred out by other users. An example of how to do this can be found in the ExchangeRouter tests.
ExchangeRouter.createDeposit(DepositUtils.CreateDepositParams calldata params)
- receiver: The receiver of GM tokens
- callbackContract: The contract to call on deposit execution / cancellation
- uiFeeReceiver: The receiver of the UI fee
- market: The market to deposit in
- initialLongToken: The initial long token sent into the contract
- initialShortToken: The initial short token sent into the contract
- longTokenSwapPath: An array of market addresses to swap the initialLongToken through for deposits
- shortTokenSwapPath: An array of market addresses to swap the initialShortToken through for deposits
- minMarketTokens: The minimum output amount of GM token
- shouldUnwrapNativeToken: specifies whether to unwrap the native token, e.g. if the deposit is cancelled and the initialLongToken token is WETH, setting this to true would convert the WETH token to ETH before it is refunded
- executionFee: The amount of native token that is included for the execution fee, e.g. on Arbitrum this would be ETH, this is the maximum execution fee that keepers can use to execute the deposit. When the deposit is executed, any excess execution fee is sent back to the deposit's account. Please see the Execution Fee section for more details.
- callbackGas
Creating a Withdrawal
ExchangeRouter.createWithdrawal(DepositUtils.CreateWithdrawalParams calldata params)
- receiver: The receiver of GM tokens
- callbackContract: The contract to call on withdrawal execution / cancellation
- uiFeeReceiver: The receiver of the UI fee
- market: The market to withdraw from
- longTokenSwapPath: An array of market addresses to swap the withdrawn long token through
- shortTokenSwapPath: An array of market addresses to swap the withdrawn short token through
- minLongTokenAmount: The minimum output amount of long token after it is swapped through longTokenSwapPath. For example, if WETH token is swapped to BTC then minLongTokenAmount specifies minimum amount of BTC tokens
- minShortTokenAmount: The minimum output amount of long token after it is swapped through shortTokenSwapPath
- shouldUnwrapNativeToken: specifies whether to unwrap the native token, e.g. if the output token is WETH, setting this to true would convert the WETH token to ETH
- executionFee: The amount of native token that is included for the execution fee, e.g. on Arbitrum this would be ETH, this is the maximum execution fee that keepers can use to execute the withdrawal. When the withdrawal is executed, any excess execution fee is sent back to the withdrawal's account. Please see the Execution Fee section for more details.
- callbackGasLimit: The gas limit to be passed to the callback contract on withdrawal execution / cancellationLimit: The gas limit to be passed to the callback contract on withdrawal execution / cancellation
UI Fee
UI fees will be charged on top of the base fee, the percentage amount for this is based on the amount configured for the passed in uiFeeReceiver
address. More info can be found in the Running a Frontend section.
The percentage UI fee to be charged for a uiFeeReceiver can be configured using ExchangeRouter.setUiFeeFactor
, the uiFeeFactor is a percentage value over 10^30, e.g. if the uiFeeFactor is 2 10^25, then the percentage charged would be (2 10^25) / (10^30) = 0.00002 = 0.002%.
The max uiFeeFactor that can be set is based on the configured value of dataStore.getUint(Keys.MAX_UI_FEE_FACTOR).
The uiFeeReceiver
value can be passed in for any of the following actions:
- Deposits
- Withdrawals
- Swap Orders
- Increase / Decrease Position Orders
- Market Orders / Limit Orders / Stop-Loss / Take-Profit Orders
For deposits, withdrawals and swaps the fee will be the percentage of the input amount, for increase / decrease position orders the fee will be the percentage of the increase / decrease size.
UI fees are credited on execution of deposits, withdrawals, orders. ExchangeRouter.claimUiFees can be used to claim the received fees at anytime.
Execution Fee
Creating a deposit, order, withdrawal request requires sending an executionFee.
In the creation transaction, the contracts will verify that the provided executionFee is equal to or more than the estimated execution fee, which is calculated by tx.gasprice * GasUtils.adjustGasLimitForEstimate(datastore, estimatedGasLimit)
To calculate the estimatedGasLimit
- For deposits:
- For orders:
- For withdrawals:
Note that since the tx.gasprice
value may fluctuate based on blockchain usage, some buffer could be added to ensure that the creation transaction does not revert. Upon execution, any excess execution fee will be sent back to the deposit.account
/ order.account
/ withdrawal.account
An overview of funding can be found in Adaptive Funding.
The parameters for funding can be retrieved from the DataStore, the relevant keys would be:
Market List
- dataStore: Address of the DataStore contract
- start: Start index, can be used for pagination
- end: End index, can be used for pagination
Returns array of elements of type Market.Prop
- marketToken: Address of the market token
- indexToken: Address of the index token
- longToken: Address of the long token
- shortToken: Address of the short token
Detailed Market List
Returns markets with borrowing rate, funding rate and flag indicating whether market is disabled
- dataStore: Address of the DataStore contract
- marketPricesList: Array of market prices of type MarketUtils.MarketPrices
- start: Start index, can be used for pagination
- end: End index, can be used for pagination
- indexTokenPrice
- longTokenPrice
- shortTokenPrice
Each price is of type Price.Props
- min
- max
Getting GM Token Price
Returns GM token price and information about market pool: pool value, PnL, amount of tokens in the pool, borrowing fees and impact pool
- dataStore: Address of the DataStore contract
- market: Market data of type Market.Props
- indexTokenPrice: Price for index token of type Price.Props
- longTokenPrice: Price for long token of type Price.Props
- shortTokenPrice: Price for short token of type Price.Props
- pnlFactorType: More information can be found here
- maximize. Whether to maximize or minimize GM price by using either maximum or minimum price
Position List
- dataStore: Address of the DataStore contract
- account: The account to get the positions for
- start: Start index, can be used for pagination
- end: End index, can be used for pagination
Detailed Position List
- dataStore: Address of the DataStore contract
- referralStorage: Address of the referralStorage contract
- positionKeys: Array of position keys, can be retrieved using the DataStore
- prices: Array of market prices of type MarketUtils.MarketPrices
- uiFeeReceiver: The uiFeeReceiver that would be used for calculating fees
Example code to retrieve positionKeys can be found here.
Position Information
Returns position, fees, execution price and PnL
- dataStore: Address of the DataStore contract
- referralStorage: Address of the ReferralStorage contract
- positionKey: Key of the position
- prices: Prices for index, long and short tokens of type MarketUtils.MarketPrices
- sizeDeltaUsd: Used to calculate fees and execution price for decreasing position. Optional, can be 0
- uiFeeReceiver: The receiver of the UI fee. Can be zero address
- usePositionSizeAsSizeDeltaUsd: Specifies if position size should be used as sizeDeltaUsd
Execution Price for Increasing / Decreasing Position
- dataStore: Address of the DataStore contract
- marketKey: Address of the market
- indexTokenPrice: Price for index token of type Price.Props
- positionSizeInUsd: Size of open position, should be 0 if there is no position
- positionSizeInTokens: Size of open position in tokens, should be 0 if there is no position
- sizeDeltaUsd: Size delta, positive for increasing position, negative for decreasing position
- isLong: Specifies if this is for a long or short position
Output Amount for Swaps
Returns amount of output tokens, impact amount, swap fees
- dataStore: Address of the DataStore contract
- market: Market data of type Market.Props
- prices: Prices for index, long and short tokens of type MarketUtils.MarketPrices
- tokenIn: Address of token in
- amountIn: Amount of token in
- uiFeeReceiver: The receiver of the UI fee. Can be zero address
Output amount for Deposits
Returns amount of output GM tokens
- dataStore: Address of the DataStore contract
- market: Market data of type Market.Props
- prices: Prices for index, long and short tokens of type MarketUtils.MarketPrices
- longTokenAmount: Amount of deposited long token
- shortTokenAmount: Amount of deposited short token
- uiFeeReceiver: The receiver of the UI fee. Can be zero address
Output Amount for Withdrawals
Returns amounts of output long tokens and short tokens
- dataStore: Address of the DataStore contract
- market: Market data of type Market.Props
- prices: Prices for index, long and short tokens of type MarketUtils.MarketPrices
- marketTokenAmount: Amount of GM tokens to withdraw
- uiFeeReceiver: The receiver of the UI fee. Can be zero address
Reader contract for GMX Liquidity Vaults
Getting list of GLVs
- dataStore: Address of the DataStore contract
- start: Start index, can be used for pagination
- end: End index, can be used for pagination
Returns array of elements of type Glv.Prop
- glvToken: Address of the GLV token
- longToken: Address of the long token
- shortToken: Address of the short token
Getting list of supported GLVs with extended information
Returns GLVs with list of markets
- dataStore: Address of the DataStore contract
- start: Start index, can be used for pagination
- end: End index, can be used for pagination
Getting GLV token price
Returns GLV token price, GLV value and total supply
- dataStore: Address of the DataStore contract
- marketAddresses: List of addresses of markets inside the GLV
- indexTokenPrices: List of prices for index tokens of GLV markets of type Price.Props. The ordering should be the same as in marketAddresses
- longTokenPrice: Price for long token of type Price.Props
- shortTokenPrice: Price for short token of type Price.Props
- glv: Address of the GLV
- maximize. Whether to maximize or minimize GLV price by using either maximum or minimum price
There are simulation functions such as ExchangeRouter.simulateExecuteDeposit, ExchangeRouter.simulateExecuteWithdrawal, ExchangeRouter.simulateExecuteOrder, these can be used to simulate execution to check for any errors before creating a deposit / withdrawal / order.
Event Monitoring
For convenience, all events are emitted on the EventEmitter contract. Each event from the EventEmitter will have an eventName, so events can be monitored just by specifying the EventEmitter address and the eventName to be monitored.
The address of the EventEmitter for each network can be found in the deployments folder.
An example to setup monitoring of the Timelock using OpenZeppelin Defender:
- Select the "Sentinel" option
- Click "Create Sentinel"
- Type in a "Sentinel name"
- Select the "Network"
- Fill in the EventEmitter address for the "Addresses" field
- For "Contract conditions" select "Events" > "EventLog1"
- In the field below "EventLog1" fill in
eventName == "SignalPendingAction" OR eventName == "ClearPendingAction"
- Click on "Next" and setup a notification channel
With this setup, you will receive a notification whenever an action is signalled (SignalPendingAction) and executed (ClearPendingAction) on the Timelock.
Note that the specific event to monitor whether it is "EventLog", "EventLog1", "EventLog2", will depend on the event called within the contracts, so the contracts need to be checked to decide which one to use for specific events.